Water Aerobics
Perhaps you’ve observed our Water Aerobics Program, also known as AquaBodies, stirring up good times in the Club 21 Pool on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. What you may not know is that participants have found the Fountain of Youth in those waters!  Yes, the properties of buoyancy, resistance and hydro-static pressure combine to create an amazing, while enjoyable, workout, virtually from head to toe and for all adults.

Studies have proven that this type of water exercise will increase muscle strength, build cardiovascular endurance, create flexibility, improve balance, burn calories, reduce blood pressure, enhance cognitive functioning, and decrease anxiety – all while protecting our joints!  And it’s fun -- it’s all set to mood-elevating upbeat music!  

If you think it’s time you considered this life-changing activity, give Certified Instructor Cindy Hughes a call. Cindy is in her 12th year teaching this program at RBS&TC!  Recently, she has enhanced her Friday sessions, offering a “Deep End” workout. She’s a “true believer”, stating that this regimen is the key to her well-being.  In all, she has taught for over 20 years.

AquaBodies Water Aerobics
Winter Schedule 
Mondays and Wednesdays
9 – 10 AM
Cost:  $10 per session
Cindy Hughes
Phone: 858-716-7560